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Managing Floral Resources in Apple Orchards for Pest Control: Ideas Experiences and Future Directions




Functional biodiversity is of fundamental importance for pest control. Many natural enemies rely on floral resources to complete their life cycle. Farmers need to ensure the availability of suitable and sufficient floral biodiversity. This review summarizes 66 studies on the management of floral biodiversity in apple orchards, published since 1986. Approaches followed different degrees of intervention: short-term practices (mowing regime and weed maintenance, cover crops), establishment of durable ecological infrastructures (perennial flower strips, hedgerows) and re-design of the crop system (intercropping, agroforestry). Although short-term practices did not always target the nutrition of natural enemies by flowering plants, living conditions for them (alternative prey, provision of habitat) were often improved. Perennial flower strips reliably enhanced natural enemies and techniques for their introduction continuously developed. Resident natural enemies and their impact in pest control reacted positively to the introduction of a more diversified vegetation, whereas the response of very mobile organisms was often not directly linked to the measures taken. A careful selection and management of plants with particular traits exploitable by most natural enemies emerged as a key-point for success. Now the elaborated design of such measures needs to be adopted by stakeholders and policy makers to encourage farmers to implement these measures in their orchards.
机译:功能性生物多样性对于虫害控制至关重要。许多天敌依靠花卉资源来完成其生命周期。农民需要确保提供适当和充足的花卉生物多样性。这篇综述总结了自1986年以来发表的66篇有关苹果园花卉生物多样性管理的研究。方法采取了不同程度的干预措施:短期措施(割草制度和杂草养护,覆盖作物),建立持久的生态基础设施(多年生花条) ,树篱)和作物系统的重新设计(间作,农林业)。尽管短期做法并不总是针对开花植物天敌的营养,但它们的生活条件(替代猎物,提供栖息地)常常得到改善。多年生花条可靠地增强了天敌,并且不断引入其技术。居民天敌及其对害虫控制的影响对引入更加多样化的植被产生了积极的反应,而活动性很强的生物的反应往往与所采取的措施没有直接联系。精心选择和管理大多数天敌可以利用的具有特殊性状的植物,已成为成功的关键。现在,利益相关者和政策制定者需要采用精心设计的措施,以鼓励农民在果园中实施这些措施。



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