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Changes in buoyant density relationships of two cell types of Coxiella burneti phase I.

机译:伯氏Coxiella I期两种细胞类型的浮力密度关系的变化。



Coxiella burneti phase I, purified from a formalin-inactivated yolk-sac vaccine, was separated into two bands of morphologically distinct cell types when subjected to sucrose gradient centrifugation. Recycling of the less dense, rod-shaped cells in unbuffered sucrose gradients (pH 5.5 to 6.0) resulted in the formation of bands having the location and appearance of the original two bands. Recycling of the denser band of larger ovoid-shaped cells yielded a single band, suggesting that the larger cell type arose from the smaller cell. In contrast to vaccine-derived rickettsiae, live, cell culture-propagated phase I organisms formed a single band in unbuffered sucrose gradients, at the same density as the upper band of the vaccine preparation. Centrifugation of cell culture-derived rickettsiae for 26 to 48 h in sucrose gradients of pH 5.5 resulted in the formation of a second band, at the same density as the lower band of the vaccine preparation. This did not occur in gradients of pH 7.0. Treatment of cell culture-propagated rickettsiae with formalin or germicidal ultraviolet radiation induced a total shift of the less dense cell population to a zone of higher density when centrifuged isopycnically in CsC1 gradients. This density change did not occur in sucrose gradients, suggesting a difference in the effect of these treatments on the permeability of the cell membrane to sucrose and CsC1.
机译:从福尔马林灭活的卵黄囊疫苗中纯化的伯氏柯氏杆菌I期在进行蔗糖梯度离心分离时分为两个形态学上不同的细胞类型带。在未缓冲的蔗糖梯度(pH 5.5至6.0)中回收密度较小的杆状细胞,导致形成具有原始两个条带位置和外观的条带。较大的卵形细胞的较密带的回收产生一条带,这表明较大的细胞类型来自较小的细胞。与疫苗衍生的立克次体相反,活的,细胞培养繁殖的I期生物以无缓冲蔗糖梯度形成单一条带,密度与疫苗制剂的上部条带相同。在pH 5.5的蔗糖梯度中,将源自细胞培养物的立克次体离心26至48小时,导致形成第二条带,其密度与疫苗制剂的下部条带相同。在pH 7.0的梯度中不会发生这种情况。当在CsC1梯度中等速离心时,用福尔马林或杀菌紫外线辐射处理细胞培养繁殖的立克次体可导致密度较低的细胞群向高密度区域的总体转移。在蔗糖梯度中没有发生这种密度变化,表明这些处理对细胞膜对蔗糖和CsCl的渗透性的影响有所不同。



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