首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology >Applicability and Effectiveness of Closed Reduction of Nasal Fractures under Local Anesthesia

Applicability and Effectiveness of Closed Reduction of Nasal Fractures under Local Anesthesia




>Introduction A significant portion of patients treated in emergency departments have nasal fracture. It is important that the otolaryngologist know how to treat such damage. >Objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of nasal fracture reduction under local anesthesia and tolerance to the procedure. >Methods Twenty-four patients treated in the emergency department with closed reduction under local anesthesia were prospectively followed. Epidemiologic information and data regarding pain and complications during the management were noted. The degree of satisfaction was researched by visual analog scale. >Results The majority of patients were male (75%), and the most common cause of injury was motor vehicle accident. We found a significant association between time to reduction and referred pain during the procedure. In patients in whom the procedure was delayed (over 3 days), there was less pain, and those who bled during the procedure had a shorter average time to reduction than the group of patients who did not bleed. Most patients were very satisfied, with more than 95% of these willing to undergo the same process again, if necessary. >Conclusions The closed approach in the clinic under local anesthesia was effective and safe in restoration of the nose.
机译:>简介在急诊科接受治疗的患者中有很大一部分患有鼻骨折。耳鼻喉科医师知道如何治疗此类损伤非常重要。 >目的要评估局部麻醉下鼻骨折复位的有效性和手术耐受性。 >方法前瞻性地随访了急诊科在局部麻醉下闭合复位治疗的24例患者。记录了治疗期间有关疼痛和并发症的流行病学信息和数据。通过视觉模拟量表研究满意度。 >结果大多数患者为男性(75%),最常见的伤害原因是机动车事故。我们发现减少时间与手术过程中的转诊疼痛之间存在显着关联。在延误手术(超过3天)的患者中,疼痛较少,并且在手术过程中流血的患者平均出血时间比未出血的患者组要短。大多数患者都非常满意,其中超过95%的患者愿意在必要时再次进行相同的过程。 >结论在局部麻醉下,诊所采用封闭方法可以有效且安全地恢复鼻子。



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