首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >A Comparison of Mercury Exposure from Seafood Consumption and Dental Amalgam Fillings in People with and without Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): An International Online Case-Control Study

A Comparison of Mercury Exposure from Seafood Consumption and Dental Amalgam Fillings in People with and without Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): An International Online Case-Control Study




Exposures to toxic metals such as mercury have been suggested to be risk factors for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Human intake of mercury commonly occurs via consumption of seafood or from mercury-containing amalgam dental restorations (‘mercury fillings’). We therefore compared mercury exposures from these sources in 401 ALS and 452 non-ALS respondents, using an internationally-available online questionnaire that asked respondents how often they ate seafood and what their favourite types of seafoods were. Respondents were also asked to record numbers of current or former mercury fillings. ALS and non-ALS respondents did not differ in their frequency of seafood consumption or in monthly mercury intake from favourite seafoods. Both groups had similar numbers of current, as well as former, mercury fillings. In conclusion, this study found no evidence that mercury exposure from eating seafood, or from mercury dental fillings, was associated with the risk of developing ALS. Therefore, if mercury does play a role in the pathogenesis of ALS, other sources of exposure to mercury in the environment or workplace need to be considered. Alternatively, a susceptibility to mercury toxicity in ALS, such as genetic or epigenetic variations, multiple toxic metal interactions, or selenium deficiency, may be present.
机译:已经表明,暴露于汞等有毒金属是肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的危险因素。人类摄入的汞通常是通过食用海鲜或来自含汞的汞齐牙修复体(“汞填充物”)而产生的。因此,我们使用国际上可用的在线问卷调查,比较了401名ALS和452名非ALS受访者来自这些来源的汞暴露,该问卷询问了受访者吃海鲜的频率以及他们最喜欢的海鲜类型。还要求受访者记录当前或以前的汞填充量。 ALS和非ALS受访者在海产品的食用频率或每月从喜欢的海产品中摄入的汞中没有差异。两组的当前和以前的汞填充物数量相似。总之,这项研究没有发现证据表明食用海鲜或充填牙科用汞引起的汞暴露与罹患ALS的风险有关。因此,如果汞确实在ALS的发病机理中起作用,则需要考虑环境或工作场所接触汞的其他来源。或者,可能存在对ALS中汞毒性的敏感性,例如遗传或表观遗传变异,多种有毒金属相互作用或硒缺乏。



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