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Improving agricultural straw preparation logistics stream in bio-methane production: experimental studies and application analysis




Long-term production in commercial straw biogas plants has been rare in China due to inefficiencies in the logistics stream. Biomass densification could be a potential solution to this issue. Therefore, we conducted a study to evaluate whether biomass densification is a more efficient and sustainable option. We performed methane production experiments to investigate fermentation characteristics of briquettes (with a new pretreatment, model II) and rubs (with a common pretreatment, model I). A 3000-m3 biogas plant was used to conduct a comparative analysis with solar eMergy joules. Results showed that the methane yield of briquettes of corn stover was 66.74% higher than that of rubs, and the briquettes had better digestion performance in terms of CH4 content, VFA, and alcohol. The two models required almost the same eMergy investment input, while model II obtained a greater quantity of net eMergy (16.5% higher) in comparison with model I. The net eMergy yield ratio (EYR) (biogas only) of model I and model II was 0.99 and 1.67, respectively, showing less market competitiveness for commercial operations with model I. Meanwhile, the logistic costs of model II could be reduced to approximately US $34,514 annually.
机译:由于物流效率低下,商业化秸秆沼气厂的长期生产在中国很少见。生物质致密化可能是解决此问题的潜在方法。因此,我们进行了一项研究,以评估生物质致密化是否是一种更有效和可持续的选择。我们进行了甲烷生产实验,以研究团块(采用新的预处理,II型)和磨块(采用常见的预处理,I型)的发酵特性。使用3000 m 3 沼气厂对太阳能eMergy焦耳进行比较分析。结果表明,玉米秸秆煤饼的甲烷产率比玉米秸秆的甲烷产率高66.74%,并且煤饼的CH4含量,VFA和酒精方面的消化性能更好。这两个模型所需的能源投资几乎相同,而模型II的净能源价值要高出模型I(高16.5%)。模型I和模型II的能源净收益率(仅沼气)分别为0.99和1.67,显示使用模型I进行商业运营的市场竞争力较小。同时,模型II的物流成本每年可降低至约34,514美元。



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