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Factors Influencing Sleep Difficulty and Sleep Quantity in the Citizen Pscientist Psoriatic Cohort




IntroductionSleep is essential for overall health and well-being, yet more than one-third of adults report inadequate sleep. The prevalence is higher among people with psoriasis, with up to 85.4% of the psoriatic population reporting sleep disruption. Poor sleep among psoriasis patients is particularly concerning because psoriasis is independently associated with many of the same comorbidities as sleep dysfunction, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Given the high prevalence and serious consequences of disordered sleep in psoriasis, it is vital to understand the nature of sleep disturbance in this population. This study was designed to help meet this need by using survey data from Citizen Pscientist, an online patient portal developed by the National Psoriasis Foundation.
机译:简介睡眠对于整体健康和福祉至关重要,但是超过三分之一的成年人报告睡眠不足。牛皮癣患者的患病率更高,高达85.4%的牛皮癣人群报告睡眠中断。银屑病患者的睡眠不足尤其令人担忧,因为银屑病与许多与睡眠功能障碍相同的合并症独立相关,包括心血管疾病,肥胖症和抑郁症。鉴于牛皮癣睡眠障碍的高患病率和严重后果,了解这一人群睡眠障碍的本质至关重要。这项研究旨在通过使用国家银屑病基金会开发的在线患者门户网站Citizen Pscientist的调查数据来满足这一需求。



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