首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking >Is Media Multitasking Good for Cybersecurity? Exploring the Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Everyday Cognitive Failures on Self-Reported Risky Cybersecurity Behaviors

Is Media Multitasking Good for Cybersecurity? Exploring the Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Everyday Cognitive Failures on Self-Reported Risky Cybersecurity Behaviors




The current study focused on how engaging in media multitasking (MMT) and the experience of everyday cognitive failures impact on the individual's engagement in risky cybersecurity behaviors (RCsB). In total, 144 participants (32 males, 112 females) completed an online survey. The age range for participants was 18 to 43 years (M = 20.63, SD = 4.04). Participants completed three scales which included an inventory of weekly MMT, a measure of everyday cognitive failures, and RCsB. There was a significant difference between heavy media multitaskers (HMM), average media multitaskers (AMM), and light media multitaskers (LMM) in terms of RCsB, with HMM demonstrating more frequent risky behaviors than LMM or AMM. The HMM group also reported more cognitive failures in everyday life than the LMM group. A regression analysis showed that everyday cognitive failures and MMT acted as significant predictors for RCsB. These results expand our current understanding of the relationship between human factors and cybersecurity behaviors, which are useful to inform the design of training and intervention packages to mitigate RCsB.
机译:当前的研究关注于从事媒体多任务处理(MMT)和日常认知失败的经历如何影响个人参与风险网络安全行为(RCsB)。总共144位参与者(男性32位,女性112位)完成了在线调查。参与者的年龄范围为18至43岁(M = 20.63,SD = 4.04)。参加者完成了三个量表,包括每周MMT清单,每日认知衰竭的量度和RCsB。在RCsB方面,重型媒体多任务处理程序(HMM),普通媒体多任务处理程序(AMM)和轻型媒体多任务处理程序(LMM)之间存在显着差异,其中HMM表现出比LMM或AMM更频繁的危险行为。与LMM组相比,HMM组在日常生活中的认知障碍也更多。回归分析表明,日常认知障碍和MMT是RCsB的重要预测指标。这些结果扩大了我们对人为因素与网络安全行为之间关系的当前理解,这对于指导减轻RCsB的培训和干预措施的设计很有用。



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