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c-erbB-2 overexpression and histological type of in situ and invasive breast carcinoma.




AIMS: To assess c-erbB-2 immunostaining in relation to morphological type of in situ and invasive breast carcinoma. METHODS: Formalin fixed, wax embedded archival tissue was used. Invasive carcinomas comprised 50 infiltrating ductal (NOS); seven medullary, 10 tubular, 15 mucinous and 24 classic invasive lobular. In situ carcinomas comprised 48 ductal (DCIS) and 10 cases of lobular (LCIS). The antibodies used were pAB1 (polyclonal) which stains cell lines that over express the c-erbB-2 oncogene, and ICR 12 (monoclonal) which stains sections of breast carcinoma known to show c-erbB-2 amplification. RESULTS: Immunostaining consistent with c-erbB-2 overexpression was found in 10 out of 50 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma (NOS), one of 24 infiltrating lobular carcinomas and one of seven medullary carcinomas only. Seventy per cent of ICR 12 positive cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma also had extratumoral DCIS. Forty six per cent of pure DCIS lesions also showed strong membrane staining for c-erbB-2 protein, confined to large cell types. CONCLUSIONS: Immunostaining for c-erb B-2 oncoprotein occurs mainly in large cell DCIS and infiltrating ductal carcinoma NOS, especially those with an extratumoral DCIS component. There is a low incidence in other types of breast cancer, including those associated with a better prognosis. Different biological mechanisms may be responsible for histologically distinct types of breast carcinoma.
机译:目的:评估与原位和浸润性乳腺癌的形态学类型相关的c-erbB-2免疫染色。方法:使用福尔马林固定的蜡质存档组织。浸润性癌由50个浸润性导管(NOS)组成。七个髓质,10个肾小管,15个粘液性和24个经典浸润性小叶。原位癌包括48例导管癌(DCIS)和10例小叶癌(LCIS)。所使用的抗体是pAB1(多克隆),可对过表达c-erbB-2癌基因的细胞系进行染色; ICR 12(单克隆),可对已知显示c-erbB-2扩增的乳腺癌切片进行染色。结果:在50例浸润性导管癌(NOS)中,有10例,24例浸润性小叶癌之一和7例髓样癌之一,发现与c-erbB-2过表达一致的免疫染色。在ICR 12例浸润性导管癌阳性病例中,有70%也有肿瘤外DCIS。 46%的纯DCIS病变也显示c-erbB-2蛋白的强烈膜染色,仅限于大细胞类型。结论:c-erb B-2癌蛋白的免疫染色主要发生在大细胞DCIS和浸润性导管癌NOS中,尤其是那些具有肿瘤外DCIS成分的组织。其他类型的乳腺癌(包括与预后较好的乳腺癌)的发病率较低。不同的生物学机制可能是乳腺癌在组织学上不同类型的原因。



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