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Bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions of boric acid against bacteria and fungi commonly found in urine.




Boric acid has been used for over 20 years to preserve urine while in transit for bacteriological examination. It has been suggested that it may be toxic for some urinary pathogens. To investigate this several strains of bacteria and fungi commonly found in urine were exposed to different concentrations of boric acid in nutrient broth. Viable counts were made at the outset and at intervals for up to 24 hours at room temperature to detect bacteriostatic or bactericidal effects. At concentrations between 10 and 20 g/l boric acid was bacteriostatic or fungistatic for very nearly all the common urinary pathogens. At 10 g/l boric acid was weakly bactericidal for some strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, though higher concentrations were bacteriostatic only. Group B streptococci varied in their response to boric acid, but for most of them 10 or 20 g/l was satisfactorily bacteriostatic. It is concluded that boric acid is rarely toxic, and when it is, the effect is usually sufficiently delayed to be of only theoretical importance.
机译:硼酸在运输过程中用于细菌学检查已用于保存尿液超过20年。已经表明它对某些尿病原体可能是有毒的。为了对此进行调查,将尿液中常见的几种细菌和真菌菌株暴露于营养肉汤中不同浓度的硼酸中。首先在室温下每隔24小时进行一次活菌计数,以检测抑菌或杀菌作用。硼酸的浓度在10至20 g / l之间时,几乎所有常见的尿病原体均具有抑菌或抑菌作用。在10 g / l的浓度下,硼酸对某些菌株的醋酸钙不动杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌具有弱杀菌作用,尽管较高的浓度仅具有抑菌作用。 B组链球菌对硼酸的反应各不相同,但大多数情况下10或20 g / l具有令人满意的抑菌作用。结论是硼酸几乎没有毒性,当硼酸具有毒性时,其作用通常被充分延迟,仅具有理论重要性。



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