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Treatment of experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis of young calves with tilmicosin.




Twenty four (24) healthy male Holstein calves (< 70 kg) were each experimentally infected by intrabronchial inoculation of 4.0 x 10(9) viable cells of Pasteurella haemolytica-AI (B122) at Time = 0 h. At 1 h following inoculation animals received either: 1) Sham treatment with sterile 0.85% saline SC (n = 12); or 2) a single injection of 10 mg tilmicosin per kg body weight (n = 12). Calves that were non-infected and tilmicosin-treated were also included for determining tilmicosin concentrations in serum and lung tissue at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h (n = 3-per time). In the infected calves, response to therapy was monitored clinically. Serum samples were collected for determination of tilmicosin concentrations using HPLC. Any animal becoming seriously ill was humanely killed. Complete necropsy examinations were performed on all animals and included gross pathologic changes, bacteriologic analysis, histopathology, and determination of pulmonary concentrations of tilmicosin. Tilmicosin treated animals responded significantly better to therapy than saline-treated control calves. Clinical assessment of calves during the study indicated that tilmicosin-treated calves had significantly improved by T = 8 h compared to satine-treated animals (P < 0.05). At necropsy tilmicosin-treated calves had significantly less severe gross and histological lesions (P < 0.05) of the pulmonary tissue. Of the 12 saline-treated calves, 92% (11/12) had Pasteurella haemolytica-A1 in lung tissue, while of the tilmicosin-treated calves 0% (0/12) cultured positive for P. haemolytica. Mean (+/- standard error) serum tilmicosin concentrations in infected calves peaked at 1 h post-injection (1.10 +/- 0.06 micrograms/mL) and rapidly decreased to 0.20 +/- 0.03 microgram/mL, well below the MIC of 0.50 microgram/mL for P. haemolytica-A1 (B122), by 12 h. These serum concentrations were very similar to serum concentrations of tilmicosin in non-infected tilmicosin-treated calves. Lung tissue concentrations of the antibiotic were comparatively high, even at 72 h post-infection (6.50 +/- 0.75 ppm). Lung tissue concentrations at 72 h were significantly higher in experimentally infected calves than in non-infected tilmicosin-treated animals (P < 0.05). These data demonstrate that tilmicosin was effective in treating experimentally-induced pneumonic pasteurellosis as determined by alleviation of clinical signs, pathological findings at post mortem, and presence of viable bacteria from the lung. Concentrations substantially above MIC for P. haemolytica were present in lung tissue even at 72 h following a single subcutaneous injection of 10 mg tilmicosin per kg body weight.
机译:在时间= 0小时,分别通过支气管内接种4.0 x 10(9)溶血巴斯德氏菌-AI(B122)的活细胞,对二十四(24)只健康的雄性荷斯坦牛犊(<70公斤)进行实验性感染。在接种后1小时,动物接受以下任何一种:1)用无菌0.85%盐水SC(n = 12)进行深处理。或2)每公斤体重单次注射10毫克替米考星(n = 12)。还包括未感染和经替米考星处理的小牛,以确定1、2、4、6、8、24、48和72小时(n = 3次)时血清和肺组织中替米考星的浓度。在受感染的小牛中,对治疗的反应进行临床监测。收集血清样品以使用HPLC测定替米考星浓度。任何生病的动物都会被人道杀害。对所有动物进行完整的尸检,包括大体病理变化,细菌学分析,组织病理学和测定替米考辛的肺浓度。 Tilmicosin处理的动物对治疗的反应明显优于生理盐水处理的对照小牛。研究期间对犊牛的临床评估表明,与用沙丁胺处理的动物相比,用替米考星处理的犊牛在T = 8 h时有显着改善(P <0.05)。尸检时,经替米考星处理的小牛的肺组织严重和组织学病变明显较少(P <0.05)。在12只经盐水处理的牛犊中,有92%(11/12)的肺组织中有溶血巴斯德氏菌-A1,而经micmicin处理过的牛犊中有0%(0/12)的溶血疟原虫阳性。感染小牛的血清替米考星平均浓度(+/-标准误差)在注射后1小时达到峰值(1.10 +/- 0.06微克/ mL),并迅速降至0.20 +/- 0.03微克/ mL,远低于MIC的0.50溶血性疟原虫-A1(B122)的微克/ mL,持续12 h。这些血清浓度与未经感染的经替米考辛处理的犊牛中替米考辛的血清浓度非常相似。甚至在感染后72小时(6.50 +/- 0.75 ppm),抗生素的肺组织浓度也相对较高。实验感染的犊牛在72小时时的肺组织浓度显着高于未感染的用替米考星处理的动物(P <0.05)。这些数据表明,如通过减轻临床体征,验尸后的病理发现以及肺中存在活菌确定的,替米考星可以有效治疗实验性肺炎性巴氏杆菌病。甚至在单次皮下注射每公斤体重10 mg替米考星后72小时,肺组织中的溶血毕赤酵母浓度仍显着高于MIC。



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