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Seroepidemiology of viral infections among intravenous drug users in northern California.




Intravenous drug users are frequently exposed to parenterally transmitted viral infections, and these infections can spread to the general population through sexual activity. We investigated the prevalence of serologic markers for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I/II (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in intravenous drug users and their sexual contacts. Of 585 drug users from northern California tested for these serologic markers, 72% were reactive for the antibody to HCV, 71% for the antibody to hepatitis B core antigen, 12% for HTLV-I/II antibodies, and 1% for the HIV-1 antibody. The prevalence of serologic markers for these four viruses correlated with the duration of intravenous drug use, the ethnic group, and the drug of choice. More than 85% of subjects infected with either HCV or HBV were coinfected with the other virus. All persons reactive to HTLV-I/II antibodies had antibodies for either HBV or HCV. Of 81 sexual contacts tested, 17% had evidence of HBV infection while only 6% were reactive for HTLV-I/II antibodies and 4% for the antibody to HCV. None of this group was infected with HIV-1. We conclude that HTLV-I/II and HCV are inefficiently transmitted to sexual contacts while HBV is spread more readily. Programs designed to discourage the sharing of drug paraphernalia, such as needle and syringe exchanges, should decrease the risk of parenterally spread viral infections in intravenous drug users and thus slow the spread of these infections to the general population.
机译:静脉吸毒者经常遭受肠胃外传播的病毒感染,这些感染可通过性活动传播到普通人群。我们调查了人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1),人类T细胞淋巴病毒I / II型(HTLV-I / II),乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的血清学标志物的流行情况)静脉吸毒者及其性接触。在来自加利福尼亚北部的585名吸毒者中测试了这些血清学标志物,其中72%对HCV抗体有反应性,71%对乙肝核心抗原的抗体有反应,12%对HTLV-I / II抗体,和1%对HIV -1抗体。这四种病毒的血清学标志物的流行与静脉内吸毒的持续时间,种族和所选择的药物有关。感染HCV或HBV的受试者中,超过85%感染了另一种病毒。对HTLV-I / II抗体有反应的所有人员均具有HBV或HCV抗体。在测试的81个性接触中,有17%有HBV感染迹象,而HTLV-I / II抗体只有6%有反应性,而HCV抗体则有4%。该组均未感染HIV-1。我们得出的结论是,HTLV-I / II和HCV无法有效地传播给性接触,而HBV更容易传播。旨在阻止共用毒品用具的程序,例如针头和注射器的更换,应降低静脉吸毒者胃肠外传播病毒感染的风险,从而减缓这些感染向普通人群的传播。



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