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Shortchanged? An assessment of chronic disease programming in major US city health departments




A self-administered survey was distributed to members of The Big Cities Health Coalition, a group of Health Officers/Commissioners from 17 of the largest US metropolitan health departments. The survey asked participants about their chronic disease priorities, data sources, budgets, and funding sources as well as examples of successful chronic disease interventions. Members of the Coalition discussed the survey results in a scheduled conference call. Chronic diseases account for 70% of all deaths nationwide on average, yet the health departments surveyed allocated an average of 1.85% of their budgets to chronic disease. Average chronic disease spending per inhabitant was $2.33, with a median of $1.56. Among the group’s top chronic disease priorities were asthma, diabetes, tobacco, cancer, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Nearly half of the group’s chronic disease spending was on tobacco. Chronic disease funding sources varied across localities, but direct federal funding was minimal. In 14 cities serving a combined 37 million people (13% of the US population), direct federal chronic disease funding totaled $8.7 million, an average of $0.24 per capita. The group described successful chronic disease interventions, particularly related to tobacco and asthma.
机译:一项自我管理的调查已分发给大城市卫生联盟的成员,该联盟是美国最大的都会卫生部门中的17个,由卫生官员组成。该调查向参与者询问了他们的慢性病优先事项,数据来源,预算和资金来源,以及成功的慢性病干预措施的实例。联盟成员在预定的电话会议中讨论了调查结果。慢性病平均占全国所有死亡人数的70%,但接受调查的卫生部门平均将其预算的1.85%用于慢性病。每个居民的慢性病平均支出为$ 2.33,中位数为$ 1.56。在该组中,慢性病最重要的优先事项是哮喘,糖尿病,烟草,癌症和心血管疾病(CVD)。该集团的慢性病支出中有将近一半用于烟草。慢性病的资金来源因地区而异,但直接的联邦资金很少。在14个服务于3700万人(占美国人口的13%)的城市中,直接的联邦慢性病资金总计870万美元,人均平均0.24美元。该小组描述了成功的慢性疾病干预措施,特别是与烟草和哮喘有关的干预措施。



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