首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Medical Journal >Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service police and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis

Effectiveness of anonymised information sharing and use in health service police and local government partnership for preventing violence related injury: experimental study and time series analysis




>Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of anonymised information sharing to prevent injury related to violence.>Design Experimental study and time series analysis of a prototype community partnership between the health service, police, and local government partners designed to prevent violence.>Setting Cardiff, Wales, and 14 comparison cities designated “most similar” by the Home Office in England and Wales.>Intervention After a 33 month development period, anonymised data relevant to violence prevention (precise violence location, time, days, and weapons) from patients attending emergency departments in Cardiff and reporting injury from violence were shared over 51 months with police and local authority partners and used to target resources for violence prevention.>Main outcome measures Health service records of hospital admissions related to violence and police records of woundings and less serious assaults in Cardiff and other cities after adjustment for potential confounders.>Results Information sharing and use were associated with a substantial and significant reduction in hospital admissions related to violence. In the intervention city (Cardiff) rates fell from seven to five a month per 100 000 population compared with an increase from five to eight in comparison cities (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.58, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.69). Average rate of woundings recorded by the police changed from 54 to 82 a month per 100 000 population in Cardiff compared with an increase from 54 to 114 in comparison cities (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.68, 0.61 to 0.75). There was a significant increase in less serious assaults recorded by the police, from 15 to 20 a month per 100 000 population in Cardiff compared with a decrease from 42 to 33 in comparison cities (adjusted incidence rate ratio 1.38, 1.13 to 1.70).>Conclusion An information sharing partnership between health services, police, and local government in Cardiff, Wales, altered policing and other strategies to prevent violence based on information collected from patients treated in emergency departments after injury sustained in violence. This intervention led to a significant reduction in violent injury and was associated with an increase in police recording of minor assaults in Cardiff compared with similar cities in England and Wales where this intervention was not implemented.
机译:>目的,以评估匿名信息共享对预防与暴力相关的伤害的有效性。>设计:卫生服务机构,警察和警察之间建立社区伙伴关系原型的实验研究和时间序列分析地方政府合作伙伴旨在防止暴力。>设置威尔士的加的夫,以及英格兰和威尔士内政部指定为“最相似”的14个比较城市。>干预 33个月后在开发阶段,来自加的夫急诊部门的患者与预防暴力相关的匿名数据(精确的暴力地点,时间,天数和武器)在51个月内与警察和地方当局合作伙伴共享,用于为预防暴力。>主要结果措施:与暴力相关的医院入院卫生服务记录以及伤员和不太严重的化验的警察记录调整可能的混杂因素后,在加的夫和其他城市的居民人数减少。>结果信息共享和使用与暴力相关的住院人数大幅减少有关。在干预城市(加的夫),每10万人口中的患病率从每月7降至5,而在比较城市中,患病率从5上升至8(调整后的发生率比0.58,95%置信区间0.49至0.69)。警察记录的平均受伤率从加的夫的每10万人口中的每月54例改变为82例,而比较城市中的平均受伤率从54例增加到114例(调整后的发病率比率0.68、0.61至0.75)。警方记录的较不严重的袭击事件显着增加,在卡迪夫每10万人口中,每月发动的袭击从15起增加到每月20起,而在比较城市中,发动袭击的发生率从4​​2起下降到33起(调整后的发生率比1.38、1.13至1.70)。 strong>结论:威尔士加的夫的医疗服务,警察和地方政府之间的信息共享合作伙伴关系,根据在暴力行为中受伤后从急诊科接受治疗的患者收集的信息,改变了警力和其他预防暴力的策略。与未实施此干预措施的英格兰和威尔士的类似城市相比,该干预措施可大幅减少暴力伤害,并与加的夫发生轻微袭击的警方记录增加有关。



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