首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Venereal Diseases >Building a sentinel surveillance system for sexually transmitted infections in Germany 2003

Building a sentinel surveillance system for sexually transmitted infections in Germany 2003




>Background/objectives: Increases in STIs have been reported from the United States and Europe. Since 2001, only syphilis and HIV are notifiable in Germany. A sentinel surveillance system has been set up to assess the occurrence and trends of STIs and identify risk groups. >Methods: Through the sentinel system data are collected from local health offices (LHO), hospital based STI clinics and private practitioners (dermato-venerology, urology, gynaecology, or HIV). For every newly diagnosed laboratory confirmed infection of HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, or trichomoniasis physicians complete a standardised questionnaire regarding diagnosis, source of infection, and demographic information. Patients complete a questionnaire about sexual risk behaviour. The patient form is matched with the diagnosis form using a unique identifier number. Characteristics of sentinel patients were compared with those reported through the HIV and syphilis national notification system. >Results: 58 LHO, 14 hospital based STI clinics, and 160 private practitioners (53.1% dermato-venerologists) from all federal states participated in the study. 176 (75.9%) sentinel sites are located in cities of >100 000 inhabitants. From 1 March 2003–29 February 2004, a total of 1833 STIs have been reported, among them 452 chlamydia, 321 syphilis (10.9% of notified syphilis), 343 gonorrhoea, 269 HIV (15.7% of notified HIV). 925 (50.5%) of the patients were male, the median age was 31 years. Female patients were more often of foreign origin (χ2 test; 70.0% v 26.3%; p<0.001). >Conclusions: Our sentinel system will provide a base for detection of STI trends in Germany. In addition, information about sexual risk behaviour will enable us to target prevention at those most at risk for STIs.
机译:>背景/目标:据报道,美国和欧洲的性传播感染有所增加。自2001年以来,德国仅应报告梅毒和艾滋病毒。已经建立了哨兵监测系统,以评估性传播感染的发生和趋势,并确定风险人群。 >方法:通过前哨系统,数据是从当地卫生局(LHO),医院的STI诊所和私人执业者(皮肤性病,泌尿科,妇科或HIV)收集的。对于每一个新近诊断出的实验室确诊的HIV感染,淋病,衣原体,梅毒或滴虫,医生都会完成有关诊断,感染源和人口统计学信息的标准化问卷。患者填写有关性风险行为的问卷。使用唯一的标识符编号将患者表格与诊断表格匹配。将前哨病人的特征与通过艾滋病毒和梅毒国家通报系统报告的特征进行比较。 >结果:来自所有联邦州的58个LHO,14个医院的STI诊所和160个私人执业医师(占53.1%的皮肤性病专家)参加了这项研究。 176个(75.9%)定点站点位于人口超过10万的城市。从2003年3月1日至2004年2月29日,总共报告了1833例性传播感染,其中包括披衣菌452例,梅毒321例(占梅毒的10.9%),淋病343例,HIV 269例(占HIV的15.7%)。 925名(50.5%)患者为男性,中位年龄为31岁。女性患者更多是外来因素(χ 2 检验; 70.0%对26.3%; p <0.001)。 >结论:我们的哨兵系统将为检测德国的性传播感染趋势提供基础。此外,有关性风险行为的信息将使我们能够针对性传播感染风险最高的人群进行预防。



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