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Inequalities in low birth weight: parental social class, area deprivation, and 'lone mother' status




OBJECTIVE: To describe the extent of socioeconomic inequalities in low birth weight. To assess the relative benefits of measuring socioeconomic status by individual occupation, socioeconomic deprivation status of area of residence, or both, for describing inequalities and targeting resources. DESIGN: Analysis of birth registrations by registration status: joint compared with sole registrants ("lone mothers"), routinely recorded parental occupation (father's for joint registrants), and census derived enumeration district (ED) deprivation. SETTING: England and Wales, 1986-92. SUBJECTS: 471,411 births with coded parental occupation (random 10% sample) and birth weight. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of low birth weight (< 2500 g) RESULTS: 34% of births to joint registrants in social classes IV and V, and 45% of births to sole registrants, were in the quintile of most deprived EDs. It was found that 6.8% of births were of low birth weight. Sole registrants were at higher risk (9.3% overall) than joint registrants, across all deprivation quintiles. For joint registrants, the socioeconomic risk gradient was similar by social class or area deprivation, but a greater gradient from 4.7% to 8.7% was found with combined classification. CONCLUSIONS: Up to 30% of low birth weight can be seen as being associated with levels of socioeconomic deprivation below that of the most affluent group, as measured in this study. Caution is needed when targeting interventions to high risk groups when using single indicators. For example, the majority of births to lone mothers and to joint registrants in social classes IV and V would be missed by targeting the most deprived quintile. There is a high degree of inequality in low birth weight according to social class, area deprivation and lone mother status. When using routinely recorded birth and census data, all three factors are important to show the true extent of inequalities.  
机译:目的:描述低出生体重时的社会经济不平等程度。评估按个人职业衡量社会经济地位,居住地区社会经济剥夺状况或两者的相对利益,以描述不平等现象和针对性资源。设计:按登记状况分析出生登记:与单独登记人(“单身母亲”)共同比较,常规记录的父母职业(联合登记人的父亲)和普查衍生的查点区(ED)剥夺。地点:英格兰和威尔士,1986-92年。受试者:471,411名具有父母职业编码的婴儿(随机抽样10%)和出生体重。主要观察指标:出生体重低(<2500 g)的比例结果:IV级和V级社会联合登记者的出生比例为34%,独生子女的出生比例为45%,是最贫困的ED的五分之一。发现6.8%的婴儿出生时体重过轻。在所有被剥夺的五分之一人口中,单一注册人的风险(整体风险为9.3%)高于联合注册人。对于联合注册者,按社会阶层或地区剥夺,社会经济风险梯度相似,但组合分类发现,从4.7%到8.7%的梯度更大。结论:根据这项研究,高达30%的低出生体重被认为与低于最富裕群体的社会经济剥夺水平有关。使用单个指标时,将干预措施针对高风险人群时需要谨慎。例如,针对最贫困的五分之一人口,大多数独生子女和四,五等社会阶层的共同登记者出生的婴儿将被错过。根据社会阶层,地区匮乏和单身母亲的身分,低出生体重者的不平等程度很高。当使用常规记录的出生和普查数据时,所有三个因素对于显示不平等的真实程度很重要。



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