首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Preventive Social Medicine >Is perceived failure in school performance a trigger of physical injury? A case-crossover study of children in Stockholm County

Is perceived failure in school performance a trigger of physical injury? A case-crossover study of children in Stockholm County




>Objectives: To investigate whether perceived failure in school performance increases the potential for children to be physically injured. >Subjects: Children aged 10–15 years residing in the Stockholm County and hospitalised or called back for a medical check up because of a physical injury during the school years 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 (n = 592). >Methods: A case-crossover design was used and information on potential injury triggers was gathered by interview. Information about family socioeconomic circumstances was gathered by a questionnaire filled in by parents during the child interview (response rate 87%). >Results: Perceived failure in school performance has the potential to trigger injury within up to 10 hours subsequent to exposure (relative risk = 2.70; 95% confidence intervals = 1.2 to 5.8). The risk is significantly higher among pre-adolescents and among children from families at a higher education level. >Conclusions: Experiencing feelings of failure may affect children's physical safety, in particular among pre-adolescents. Possible mechanisms are perceptual deficits and response changes occasioned by the stress experienced after exposure.
机译:>目标:调查在学习成绩上的感知失败是否会增加儿童遭受身体伤害的可能性。 >主题: 2000至2001年和2001至2002年学年期间居住在斯德哥尔摩县的10-15岁儿童因身体受伤而住院或被要求进行身体检查(n = 592) )。 >方法:使用了案例交叉设计,并通过访谈收集了有关潜在伤害触发因素的信息。有关家庭社会经济状况的信息是通过在儿童访谈期间由父母填写的调查表收集的(答复率为87%)。 >结果:在暴露后最多10个小时内,察觉到的学校表现不佳有可能引发伤害(相对风险= 2.70; 95%置信区间= 1.2至5.8)。在学龄前儿童和高等教育程度较高的家庭中,儿童的风险明显更高。 >结论:经历失败的感觉可能会影响儿童的人身安全,尤其是在青少年之前。可能的机制是感知缺陷和暴露后经历的压力引起的反应变化。



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