首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Preventive Social Medicine >Major incidents in Britain over the past 28 years: the case for the centralised reporting of major incidents

Major incidents in Britain over the past 28 years: the case for the centralised reporting of major incidents




STUDY OBJECTIVES: To describe the incidence and epidemiology of major incidents occurring in Britain over the past 28 years. METHODS: Major incidents were identified through a MEDLINE search, a hand search of journals and government reports at the Home Office Emergency Planning College, newspaper reports, a postal survey of ambulance emergency planning officers, and through requests for information posted on the internet. MAIN RESULTS: Brief incidents profiles from 108 British major incidents are presented. Most major incidents pass unreported in the medical literature. On average three to four major incidents occur in Britain each year (range 0-11). Sixty three of 108 (59.2%) of incidents involve public transportation. The next two largest groups are civil disturbance 22 of 108 (20.3%) and industrial accidents 16 of 108 (14.8%). Although incidents at sports stadiums are rare they produce large numbers of casualties. The data currently available on major incidents are difficult to find and of questionable accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of data makes planning for major incidents and exercising major incident plans difficult. Casualty incident profiles (CIPs) may assist major incidents exercises and planning. CIPs from future major incidents should be collated and made available to all major incident planners.  
机译:研究目的:描述过去28年在英国发生的重大事件的发生率和流行病学。方法:通过MEDLINE搜索,内政部紧急计划学院手动搜索期刊和政府报告,报纸报道,对救护车紧急计划官员的邮政调查以及通过在互联网上发布信息的请求来识别重大事件。主要结果:介绍了108例英国重大事件的简要事件简介。大多数重大事件未通过医学文献报道。英国每年平均发生三到四起重大事件(范围为0-11)。 108起事件中有63起(59.2%)与公共交通有关。紧随其后的两个类别是民事骚扰,占108的22(20.3%)和108起工业事故(14.8%)的16。尽管在体育馆发生的事故很少,但会造成大量人员伤亡。当前关于重大事件的数据很难找到,准确性也令人怀疑。结论:数据的缺乏使重大事件的计划和实施重大事件的计划变得困难。伤亡事件档案(CIP)可能有助于重大事件的演练和计划。应整理来自未来重大事件的CIP,并提供给所有重大事件计划者。



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