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Silence Is Golden. Six Reasons Inhibiting the Spread of Third-Party Gossip




Most of the current literature on gossip describes gossipmongers as incessantly sharing evaluative and valuable information about an absent third party in teams, groups, communities, and organizations. However, potential gossipers can similarly decide not to share what they know, depending on the content, the context, or their relationship with the other actors in the gossip triad. We argue that understanding the reasons why people do not gossip may provide useful insights into individual motives, group dynamics, and collective behaviors. This theoretical contribution first critically surveys the existing gossip literature with the aim of highlighting the conditions under which people might refrain from sharing third party information. We then propose to apply Goal Framing theory as a way to bridge a theory of the micro-foundations of human behavior with an analytical model of the gossip triad that disentangles the various ways through which senders, receivers, and objects of gossip may be interrelated. From a goal framing perspective, most research on gossip illustrates the mechanisms in which the hedonic gratification derived from gossiping is reinforced by gain or normative goals. However, a normative or a gain goal frame can prevent the gossip monger from spreading the information, and we argue that depending on different configurations of frames and relations between actors the perceived costs of sending gossip may be far higher than much of the previous literature suggests.
机译:当前关于八卦的大多数文献都将八卦贩子描述为不断地在团队,团体,社区和组织中共享有关缺少的第三方的评估和有价值的信息。但是,潜在的八卦者可以根据内容,上下文或与八卦黑社会中其他参与者的关系,类似地决定不分享自己的知识。我们认为,理解人们为什么不八卦的原因可能会提供有关个人动机,群体动力和集体行为的有用见解。这种理论上的贡献首先是对现有的八卦文献进行严格的调查,以突出人们在何种情况下可能无法共享第三方信息。然后,我们建议应用“目标框架”理论,作为将人类行为的微观基础理论与八卦三合会的分析模型联系起来的一种方法,该模型可以解开八卦的发送者,接收者和对象之间可能相互联系的各种方式。从目标框架的角度来看,大多数关于八卦的研究都说明了从八卦中获得享乐主义满足感的机制,可以通过增益或规范目标来增强。然而,一个规范性的目标框架或一个增益目标框架可以阻止八卦传播者传播信息,并且我们认为,根据框架的不同配置和参与者之间的关系,发送八卦的感知成本可能远远高于以前的许多文献所暗示的水平。 。



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