首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology >Variations of Network Centralities Between Playing Positions in Favorable and Unfavorable Close and Unbalanced Scores During the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Variations of Network Centralities Between Playing Positions in Favorable and Unfavorable Close and Unbalanced Scores During the 2018 FIFA World Cup




The purpose of this study is twofold: (i) analyze the variations of network centralities between close (difference of goals equal to one) and unbalanced (difference of goals equal to or greater than two) scores; and (ii) compare the centrality levels between playing positions. The passing sequences that occurred during the 64 matches played by the 32 national teams that participated in the 2018 FIFA World Cup were analyzed and coded. The network centralities of degree prestige and degree centrality were calculated based on the weighted adjacency matrices built from the passing sequences. The results reveal that higher degree centralities of midfielders occurred in unfavorable (lost) unbalanced scores (p = 0.046; ES (effect size) = 0.472). Moreover, in favorable (won) matches the higher values of degree centrality of central defenders (p = 0.014; ES: 0.458) and defensive midfielders (p = 0.004; ES: 0.715) were also found in unbalanced scores. The comparisons between positions revealed that the highest and significant degree prestige levels were found in defensive midfielders in both close (12.10%) and unbalanced scores (10.95%). In conclusion, it is possible to observe that winning by an unbalanced score significantly increased the centrality levels of the wingers and forwards in comparison to close scores. Moreover, it was also found that independent of the final score or the unbalanced score level, the defensive midfielders were the most prominent or recruited players during the passing sequences.
机译:本研究的目的是双重的:(i)分析网络中心点在接近(目标差等于一个)和不平衡(目标差等于或大于两个)之间的变化; (ii)比较各个比赛位置之间的中心位置。分析并编码了参加2018年FIFA世界杯的32个国家队在64场比赛中发生的传球顺序。基于通过序列建立的加权邻接矩阵,计算了信誉度和中心度的网络中心度。结果表明,中场球员较高的中位度出现在不利的(失去的)不平衡得分上(p = 0.046; ES(影响大小)= 0.472)。此外,在有利(获胜)比赛中,中后卫的中央度(p = 0.014; ES:0.458)和防守型中场(p = 0.004; ES:0.715)也更高。职位之间的比较表明,防守型中场球员的近场声望(12.10%)和不平衡声场(10.95%)都达到了最高和最高的声望水平。总之,有可能观察到,与接近的得分相比,以不平衡得分获胜会显着提高边锋和前锋的中锋水平。此外,还发现独立于最终得分或不平衡得分水平,防守型中场球员是传球序列中最杰出的球员。



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