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Historical cohort study of 10 109 men in the North American vinyl chloride industry 1942-72: update of cancer mortality to 31 December 1995

机译:1942-72年北美氯乙烯行业中10 109名男性的历史队列研究:至1995年12月31日癌症死亡率的更新



OBJECTIVES—To update and assess mortality from neoplasms to 31 December 1995 among 10 109 men employed in a job exposed to vinyl chloride for at least 1 year between 1942 and 1972 at any of 37 North American factories. Previous analyses indicated associations between employment in vinyl production and increased mortality risk from cancers of the liver and biliary tract, due to increased mortality from angiosarcoma of the liver, and brain cancer.
METHODS—Standardised mortality ratio (SMR) analyses, overall and stratified by several work related variables, were conducted with United States and state reference rates. Cox's proportional hazards models and stratified log rank tests were used to further assess occupational factors.
RESULTS—895 of 3191 deaths (28%) were from malignant neoplasms, 505 since the previous update to the end of 1982. Mortality from all causes showed a deficit (SMR 83, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 80 to 86), whereas mortality from all cancers combined was similar to state referent rates. Mortality from cancers of the liver and biliary tract was clearly increased (SMR 359, 95% CI 284 to 446). Modest excesses of brain cancer (SMR 142, 95% CI 100 to 197) and cancer of connective and soft tissue (SMR 270, 95% CI 139 to 472) were found. Stratified SMR and Cox's proportional hazard analyses supported associations with age at first exposure, duration of exposure, and year of first exposure for cancers of the liver and soft tissues, but not the brain.
CONCLUSIONS—Excess mortality risk from cancer of the liver and biliary tract, largely due to angiosarcoma, continues. Risk of mortality from brain cancer has attenuated, but its relation with exposure to vinyl chloride remains unclear. A potentially work related excess of deaths from cancer of connective and soft tissue was found for the first time, but was based on few cancers of assorted histology.

>Keywords: vinyl chloride; angiosarcoma; liver; brain; connective tissue; soft tissue; neoplasms
机译:目的-更新和评估1995年12月至1942年至1972年间在37个北美工厂中从事氯乙烯工作至少10年的10 109名男性中的肿瘤死亡率。先前的分析表明,乙烯基生产中的就业与由于肝血管肉瘤引起的肝癌和胆道癌致死率增加以及肝癌和脑癌致死风险增加之间存在关联。
结果-3191例死亡中的895例(28%)来自恶性肿瘤,自上次更新至1982年底,有505例死亡。原因显示为缺陷(SMR 83,95%置信区间(95%CI)80至86),而所有合并癌症的死亡率均与州推荐率相似。肝脏和胆道癌的死亡率明显增加(SMR 359,95%CI 284至446)。发现适度过量的脑癌(SMR 142,95%CI 100到197)和结缔组织和软组织癌(SMR 270, 95%CI 139到472)。分层的SMR和Cox的比例风险分析支持与肝和软组织(而非脑)癌症的初次接触年龄,接触时间和首次接触年份相关。




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