首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Industrial Medicine >Effects of exposure to cadmium on calcium metabolism: a population study.

Effects of exposure to cadmium on calcium metabolism: a population study.




The objective was to investigate the hypothesis that environmental exposure to cadmium may affect calcium metabolism in the population at large. The 1987 participants (965 men and 1022 women), from 20 to 80 years old, constituted a random sample of the population of four Belgian districts. The urinary excretion of cadmium, a measure of lifetime exposure, averaged 9.3 nmol/24 h in men (range 0.4-324 nmol/24 h) and 7.1 nmol/24 h (range 0.1-71 nmol/24 h) in women. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity and the urinary excretion of calcium correlated significantly and positively with urinary cadmium excretion in both men and women, and serum total calcium concentration negatively with urinary cadmium excretion in men only. The regression coefficients obtained after adjustment for significant covariates indicated that when urinary cadmium excretion increased twofold, serum alkaline phosphatase activity and urinary calcium excretion rose by 3-4% and 0.25 mmol/24 h respectively, whereas in men serum total calcium concentration fell by 6 mumol/l. After adjustment for significant covariates the relation between serum total calcium concentration and urinary cadmium excretion was not significant in women. The findings suggest that even at environmental exposure levels calcium metabolism is gradually affected, as cadmium accumulates in the body. The morbidity associated with this phenomenon in industrialised countries remains presently unknown and requires further investigation.
机译:目的是研究以下假设:环境中镉的暴露可能会影响整个人群的钙代谢。 1987年的参与者(965名男性和1022名女性)年龄在20至80岁之间,是四个比利时地区人口的随机样本。镉的尿排泄量是一生的暴露指标,男性平均为9.3 nmol / 24 h(范围为0.4-324 nmol / 24 h),女性平均为7.1 nmol / 24 h(范围为0.1-71 nmol / 24 h)。男性和女性的血清碱性磷酸酶活性和尿钙排泄与尿镉排泄呈显着正相关,而男性血清钙总浓度与尿镉排泄呈负相关。校正显着协变量后获得的回归系数表明,当尿镉排泄量增加两倍时,血清碱性磷酸酶活性和尿钙排泄率分别增加3-4%和0.25 mmol / 24 h,而男性血清总钙浓度下降6摩尔/升。调整显着性协变量后,女性血清总钙浓度与尿镉排泄之间的关系并不显着。研究结果表明,即使在环境暴露水平下,随着镉在体内的积累,钙的代谢也会逐渐受到影响。目前在工业化国家中与这种现象相关的发病率仍然未知,需要进一步调查。



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