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An elaboration of small opacity types (p m and n) in simple pneumoconiosis




>Lindars, D. C. (1971).Brit. J. industr. Med.,>28, 131-142. >An elaboration of small opacity types (p, m, and n) in simple pneumoconiosis. According to the I.L.O. classification (International Labour Office, 1959), radiographs showing pneumoconiosis may be classified as p, m or n according to the greatest diameter of predominant (small) opacities. Recent work has revealed pathological and physiological differences associated with these appearances.In response to a request for some refinement of the classification for correlation with pathological data a `pmn elaboration' has been devised, analogous to the N.C.B. elaboration of the I.L.O. classification (Liddell and Lindars, 1969). It has the following form: o/-, o/o, o/p; p/o, p/p, p/m; m/p, m/m, m; n/m, n, n/A. Instructions to readers are similar to those for use with the N.C.B. elaboration. The significance of o/- and o/o is identical in the two elaborations; n/A indicates predominance of opacity size close to that of large opacities in the I.L.O. classification.Two hundred and forty-seven radiographs have been read, on two occasions by four film readers, using both elaborations. Analysis of the results showed that the readers had a slightly greater observer error, in terms of variance, when using the pmn elaboration than with the N.C.B. elaboration, but reading bias was less. Calculation of information transmitted showed a gain in information in the pmn elaboration over conventional p, m, n typing, comparable to the gain in information achieved by the N.C.B. elaboration.Marginal zones were not used as frequently as in the N.C.B. elaboration. The radiograph series contained too few normal or near-normal radiographs for the lower end of the scale to be adequately studied. Improved results can be expected with increased experience and more careful framing of reading instructions for prior briefing.It is recommended that the pmn elaboration should be used whenever typing is required for correlation between radiographic appearance and pathological or physiological data.
机译:> Lindars,D.C.(1971)。英国。 J.工业。 Med。,> 28, 131-142。 >对简单尘肺的小混浊类型(p,m和n)的阐述。根据I.L.O.分类(国际劳工局,1959年),根据主要(小)混浊的最大直径,显示尘肺的X射线照片可分为p,m或n。最近的工作揭示了与这些外观相关的病理和生理差异。为响应对与病理数据相关性分类的一些改进的要求,已设计了类似于N.C.B的``pmn阐述''。 I.L.O.的阐述分类(Liddell and Lindars,1969)。它具有以下形式:o /-,o / o,o / p; p / o,p / p,p / m; m / p,m / m,m / n; n / m,n / n,n / A。给读者的指示与N.C.B.阐述。 o /-和o / o的意义在两个方面相同。 n / A表示I.L.O中的不透明度大小接近于大不透明度。分类:四位电影读者两次使用这两种方法阅读了247张射线照片。对结果的分析表明,使用pmn制作时,阅读者在方差方面的观察者误差略大于N.C.B.细致入微,但阅读偏差较小。传输的信息的计算表明,与传统的p,m,n键入相比,pmn的详细说明所获得的信息有所增加,这与N.C.B所获得的信息所获得的收益相当。边缘区域的使用频率不如N.C.B.阐述。射线照相系列所含的正常或近乎正常的射线照相太少,不足以对刻度的下限进行充分研究。可以通过增加经验和更仔细的阅读说明框架来获得更好的结果,以进行事先的简报。建议在需要进行键入以使X线影像学表现与病理或生理学数据相关时,应使用pmn详述。



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