首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Experimental Pathology >The static elastic properties and chemical composition of the rat aorta in spontaneously occurring and experimentally induced hypertension: the effect of an anti-hypertensive drug.

The static elastic properties and chemical composition of the rat aorta in spontaneously occurring and experimentally induced hypertension: the effect of an anti-hypertensive drug.




The static elasticity and scleroprotein content of the aorta have been measured in 24 Okamoto spontaneously hypertensive rats aged 22-25 weeks, and 24 Wistars of the same age in which hypertension had been induced by nephrectomy and treated with a steroid. From the age of 4 weeks half the animals in each group were treated with a diuretic drug. By the age of 15 weeks caudal artery systolic blood pressure was significantly lower than control values in both drug-treated groups and remained so until death. Both types of hypertension were associated with larger diameter, thicker-walled and heavier aortas than those in the drug-treated animals. Vessels from Okamoto animals contained more collagen than those from the Wistars, although the collagen content was unchanged by drug treatment. Neither drug nor strain had any clear-cut affect on elastin content. In spite of these differences in wall thickness and chemical composition, values of the functional stiffness of the aorta measured over a wide range of pressure were similar in all four groups of animals. Using a simple model of the aorta in which elastin and collagen bear stress in parallel we find that the relationship between vessel composition and static incremental elastic modulus (structural stiffness) is similar in both models of hypertension and is not changed by drug treatment in spite of the consequent reduction in blood pressure.



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