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Samuel A Levines first world war encounters with Mackenzie and Lewis.

机译:塞缪尔·莱文(Samuel A Levine)的第一次世界大战遇到了麦肯齐(Mackenzie)和刘易斯(Lewis)。



Samuel Albert Levine was a key figure in modern cardiology in the United States. During the first world war he was one of a select group of United States medical officers assigned to the British Military Heart Hospital where he encountered the "British medical giants"--Clifford Allbutt, William Osler, James Mackenzie, and Thomas Lewis. Levine's diary, written when he was a young medical officer during the first world war, presents crisp character sketches of James Mackenzie and Thomas Lewis. The autobiographical vignettes he wrote later in life were more gracious and polished retrospectives. The Levine perspectives, separated by a half century, contribute to our understanding of the developing fabric of Anglo-American cardiology.
机译:塞缪尔·阿尔伯特·莱文(Samuel Albert Levine)是美国现代心脏病学的重要人物。第一次世界大战期间,他是被分配到英国军事心脏医院的一批美国医务人员之一,在那里他遇到了“英国医疗巨人”-克利福德·奥尔比特,威廉·奥斯勒,詹姆斯·麦肯齐和托马斯·刘易斯。列文的日记写于他在第一次世界大战中年轻的医务人员时,展现了詹姆斯·麦肯齐和托马斯·刘易斯的鲜明人物素描。他晚些时候写的自传小插曲是更为客气和优美的回顾。 Levine的观点相隔了半个世纪,有助于我们理解英美心脏病学的发展格局。



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