首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BioMed Research International >Beauveria bassiana Strains for Biological Control of Cosmopolites sordidus (Germ.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Plantain

Beauveria bassiana Strains for Biological Control of Cosmopolites sordidus (Germ.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Plantain

机译:球孢白僵菌菌株用于车前草中Cosmopolites sordidus(Germ。)(鞘翅目:Curculionidae)的生物防治。



The objective of this study was to select strains of Beauveria bassiana for controlling Cosmopolites sordidus (Germ.) in plantain farms (cv. Terra) of the “Recôncavo” and southern regions in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The virulence of 32 B. bassiana isolates against C. sordidus was determined under laboratory conditions. Three isolates (CNPMF 407, CNPMF 218, and CNPMF 416) were selected for evaluation under field conditions in plantations located in the counties of Mutuípe and Wenceslau Guimarães. Population of C. sordidus was estimated every 15 days by using pseudostem traps. The efficiency of the three strains of B. bassiana was compared to chemical control (carbofuran, 4g/trap) and absence of control. Carbofuran caused around 90% of adult mortality after 12 months, with a reduction in the population of C. sordidus since the first evaluation. A low number of trapped insects was observed in the fungus-treated plots, suggesting the efficiency of the isolates in controlling the C. sordidus population. The strain CNPMF 218 was the most efficient in controlling C. sordidus adults in both locations, causing around 20% mortality, leading to 40% population size reduction after 12 months.
机译:这项研究的目的是在巴西巴伊亚州“Recôncavo”和南部地区的车前草农场(cv。Terra)中选择球孢白僵菌菌株,以控制Cosmopolites sordidus(Germ。)。在实验室条件下测定了32种球孢杆菌的分离菌株对C. sordidus的毒力。在Mutuípe和WenceslauGuimarães县的人工林中,在田间条件下选择了三种分离株(CNPMF 407,CNPMF 218和CNPMF 416)进行评估。使用假茎诱捕器每15天估算一次C. sordidus种群。将这三个菌株的球孢白僵菌的效率与化学对照(卡弗呋喃,4g /阱)和没有对照的效率进行了比较。自首次评估以来,呋喃丹在12个月后导致约90%的成人死亡,而毒索氏梭菌的种群减少了。在用真菌处理的地块中观察到少量被诱捕的昆虫,这表明分离株在控制念珠菌种群中的功效。 CNPMF 218菌株在两个地方都最有效地控制了弓形虫成虫,导致大约20%的死亡率,导致12个月后种群数量减少40%。



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