首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BioMed Research International >Fixed Full Arches Supported by Tapered Implants with Knife-Edge Thread Design and Nanostructured, Calcium-Incorporated Surface: A Short-Term Prospective Clinical Study

Fixed Full Arches Supported by Tapered Implants with Knife-Edge Thread Design and Nanostructured, Calcium-Incorporated Surface: A Short-Term Prospective Clinical Study




Purpose. To evaluate implant survival, peri-implant bone loss, and complications affecting fixed full-arch (FFA) restorations supported by implants with a knife-edge thread design and nanostructured, calcium-incorporated surface. Methods. Between January 2013 and December 2015, all patients referred for implant-supported FFA restorations were considered for enrollment in this study. All patients received implants with a knife-edge thread design and nanostructured calcium-incorporated surface (Anyridge®, Megagen, South Korea) were restored with FFA restorations and enrolled in a recall program. The final outcomes were implant survival, peri-implant bone loss, biologic/prosthetic complications, and “complication-free” survival of restorations. Results. Twenty-four patients were selected. Overall, 215 implants were inserted (130 maxilla, 85 mandible), 144 in extraction sockets and 71 in healed ridges. Thirty-six FFAs were delivered (21 maxilla, 15 mandible): 27 were immediately loaded and 9 were conventionally loaded. The follow-up ranged from 1 to 3 years. Two fixtures failed, yielding an implant survival rate of 95.9% (patient-based). A few complications were registered, for a “complication-free” survival of restorations of 88.9%. Conclusions. FFA restorations supported by implants with a knife-edge thread design and nanostructured, calcium-incorporated surface are successful in the short term, with high survival and low complication rates; long-term studies are needed to confirm these outcomes.
机译:目的。为了评估植入物的存活,植入物周围的骨质流失以及影响固定全牙弓(FFA)修复的并发症,这些并发症由具有刀刃螺纹设计和纳米结构,钙结合表面的植入物支持。方法。在2013年1月至2015年12月之间,所有接受植入物支持的FFA修复的患者均被纳入本研究。所有患者均接受了带刀刃螺纹设计的植入物,并采用FFA修复体修复了纳米结构的钙结合表面(Anyridge®,Megagen,韩国),并参加了一项召回计划。最终结果是植入物存活,植入物周围骨丢失,生物学/修复并发症以及修复体的“无并发症”存活。结果。选择了二十四名患者。总共插入215个植入物(130个上颌骨,85个下颌骨),144个插入拔牙窝和71个愈合的脊椎。交付了36份FFA(21颗上颌骨,15颗下颌骨):立即装载27根,常规装载9根。随访时间为1至3年。两个固定装置失败,植入物存活率为95.9%(基于患者)。记录了一些并发症,修复体的“无并发症”存活率为88.9%。结论。 FFA修复在短期内是成功的,其具有刀锋螺纹设计和纳米结构,钙结合表面的植入物支持,具有高存活率和低并发症发生率。需要长期研究以确认这些结果。



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