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Do resuscitation attempts in children who die cause injury?




>Objective: To determine the incidence, type, and pattern of injury related to resuscitation attempts in children who die. >Design: Retrospective review of ambulance, hospital, and necropsy case records. >Method: All children who died aged 0–14 years between 1994 and 1996, and underwent a full necropsy at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (Melbourne, Australia) were identified. Children who were subject to recognised trauma before resuscitation or died because of a congenital abnormality were excluded. The records of all remaining children were reviewed. Children were grouped according to whether resuscitation was attempted or not. >Results: From a total of 346 children who died, 204 (58.6%) were identified as meeting the inclusion criteria. Resuscitation was performed in 153 (75%) children and was started before ambulance arrival in 123 (60.3%) children. Injuries were detected at necropsy in 65 (42.5%) of children who had resuscitation compared with six (11.7%) of children who had no resuscitation (p<0.0001) χ2 test. All but two of these injuries were of a minor nature consisting principally of bruises or abrasions. Two significant injuries were identified both occurring as a result of readily identifiable resuscitation procedures. The likelihood of injury increased with the length of resuscitation. In children resuscitated for less than 60 minutes the incidence of injury was 27% compared with 62% for children resuscitated for longer ( p<0.0001). >Conclusion: This study has shown that cardiopulmonary resuscitation commonly causes minor injuries such as superficial bruises and abrasions and the likelihood of such injury increases with the duration of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This information should reassure parents and caregivers that basic life support may be instituted without fear of causing significant injury or adversely affecting outcome in the child with cardiorespiratory arrest. Caution must be exercised when attributing significant injuries to resuscitation attempts and alternative causes must be fully investigated.
机译:>目的:确定死亡儿童与复苏尝试相关的伤害发生率,类型和方式。 >设计:回顾性检查救护车,医院和尸检病例记录。 >方法:确定了1994年至1996年之间所有0-14岁死亡并在维多利亚州法医学研究所(澳大利亚墨尔本)接受全面尸检的儿童。排除在复苏前遭受明显创伤或因先天性异常死亡的儿童。审查了所有剩余儿童的记录。根据是否进行了复苏对儿童进行分组。 >结果:在总共346名死亡儿童中,有204名(58.6%)被确定为符合纳入标准。在153名(75%)儿童中进行了复苏,并在123名(60.3%)儿童中,在救护车到达之前就开始了复苏。尸检发现有复苏的儿童中有65名(42.5%)受伤,而没有复苏的儿童中有6名(11.7%)受伤(p <0.0001)χ 2 测试。这些伤害中只有两个是次要的,主要是瘀伤或擦伤。确定了两个重大伤害,均由于易于确定的复苏程序而发生。受伤的可能性随着复苏时间的延长而增加。在复苏时间少于60分钟的儿童中,受伤的发生率为27%,而复苏时间更长的儿童为62%(p <0.0001)。 >结论:该研究表明,心肺复苏通常会造成轻度损伤,例如浅表擦伤和擦伤,并且这种伤害的可能性随着心肺复苏持续时间的增加而增加。该信息应使父母和监护人放心,可以开始基本的生活支持,而不必担心会给患有心肺骤停的孩子带来严重的伤害或对结局产生不利影响。将重伤归因于复苏尝试时必须小心谨慎,并且必须全面调查其他原因。



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