
An Overlapping Cell Image Synthesis Method for Imbalance Data




DNA ploidy analysis of cells is an automation technique applied in pathological diagnosis. It is important for this technique to classify various nuclei images accurately. However, the lack of overlapping nuclei images in training data (imbalanced training data) results in low recognition rates of overlapping nuclei images. To solve this problem, a new method which synthesizes overlapping nuclei images with single-nuclei images is proposed. Firstly, sample selection is employed to make the synthesized samples representative. Secondly, random functions are used to control the rotation angles of the nucleus and the distance between the centroids of the nucleus, increasing the sample diversity. Then, the Lambert-Beer law is applied to reassign the pixels of overlapping parts, thus making the synthesized samples quite close to the real ones. Finally, all synthesized samples are added to the training sets for classifier training. The experimental results show that images synthesized by this method can solve the data set imbalance problem and improve the recognition rate of DNA ploidy analysis systems.



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