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Fatal falls and jumps from motor vehicles.




In 1978, 345 persons were killed in the United States in jumps and falls from non-crashing motor vehicles: 64 per cent fell; 15 per cent jumped; and it was not known whether the other 21 per cent jumped or fell. Two hundred and one people had been traveling on the exterior of vehicles, especially truck beds, and almost all of these people fell from their vehicles. The other 144 fatalities involved people in passenger compartments. Many of the falls from compartments occurred when occupants opened doors, or when vehicles changed direction. Seventy-seven per cent of those who fell from passenger compartments were males, and 44 per cent were less than five years old. Among those who jumped from vehicle compartments, 62 per cent were women and all were older than 14 years. Fatal falls and jumps from vehicles could be reduced in a variety of ways. These include legislation to prohibit travel on vehicle exteriors, designing vehicles so that doors cannot be opened when in motion, improving door designs, installing signals that provide warning if doors are not closed completely, and using occupant restraints.
机译:1978年,在美国,有345人因非碰撞性机动车的跳跃和摔倒而丧生:摔倒了64%;跳升了15%;尚不知道其他21%是跳还是跌。 211人正在车辆的外部行驶,尤其是卡车底盘,几乎所有这些人都从车辆上摔下来。其他144人的死亡事故涉及乘客车厢中的人员。当乘客打开车门或车辆改变方向时,许多从车厢掉落的事件都发生了。从车厢掉下来的人中有77%是男性,而44岁以下的人不到5岁。从车厢跳下来的人中,妇女占62%,年龄都在14岁以上。可以通过多种方式减少致命的车辆坠落和跳车。这些法规包括禁止在车辆外部行驶的法规,设计车辆以使车门在运动中无法打开,改进车门设计,安装在车门未完全关闭时发出警告的信号以及使用乘员约束装置。



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