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Avoiding versus seeking: the relationship of information seeking to avoidance blunting coping dissonance and related concepts




>Question: How have theorists and empirical researchers treated the human tendency to avoid discomforting information?>Data Sources: A historical review (1890–2004) of theory literature in communication and information studies, coupled with searches of recent studies on uptake of genetic testing and on coping strategies of cancer patients, was performed.>Study Selection: The authors' review of the recent literature included searches of the MEDLINE, PsychInfo, and CINAHL databases between 1992 and summer of 2004 and selective, manual searches of earlier literature. Search strategies included the following subject headings and key words: MeSH headings: Genetic Screening/psychology, Decision Making, Neoplasms/diagnosis/genetics/psychology; CINAHL headings: Genetic Screening, Genetic Counseling, Anxiety, Decision Making, Decision Making/Patient; additional key words: avoidance, worry, monitoring, blunting, cancer. The “Related Articles” function in MEDLINE was used to perform additional “citation pearl” searching.>Main Results: The assumption that individuals actively seek information underlies much of psychological theory and communication practice, as well as most models of the information-seeking process. However, much research has also noted that sometimes people avoid information, if paying attention to it will cause mental discomfort or dissonance. Cancer information in general and genetic screening for cancer in particular are discussed as examples to illustrate this pattern.>Conclusion: That some patients avoid knowledge of imminent disease makes avoidance behavior an important area for social and psychological research, particularly with regard to genetic testing.
机译:>问题:理论家和实证研究人员如何处理人类避免让信息感到不适的趋势?>数据来源:关于传播和信息研究的理论文献的历史回顾(1890年至2004年) >研究选择:作者对最近文献的评论包括对MEDLINE,PsychInfo和1992年至2004年夏季之间的CINAHL数据库以及对早期文献的选择性手动搜索。搜索策略包括以下主题词和关键词:MeSH词:遗传筛选/心理学,决策,肿瘤/诊断/遗传学/心理学; CINAHL标题:遗传筛查,遗传咨询,焦虑,决策,决策/患者;其他关键词:回避,担心,监测,钝化,癌症。 MEDLINE中的“相关文章”功能用于执行其他“引文珍珠”搜索。>主要结果:个体积极寻求信息的假设是心理学理论和交流实践以及大多数模型的基础寻求信息的过程。但是,许多研究还指出,有时人们回避信息,如果关注信息会导致精神不适或不和谐。讨论了一般癌症信息,特别是癌症的基因筛查,以说明这种模式。>结论:一些患者避免了即将来临的疾病知识,使得回避行为成为社会和心理研究的重要领域,尤其是关于基因测试。



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