首页> 中文期刊>浙江电力 >110 kV双回路直线塔兼作单T接塔的探讨

110 kV双回路直线塔兼作单T接塔的探讨



With planning restrict of local government, the T-connection point of 110 kV transmission lines lo-cates at straight tower, and the straight tower doubles as T-connection tower. The paper discusses and propos-es the jumper synchronously swings with the suspension string. The single-foundation straight tower is mod-eled, which can meet the structure stress requirement of T-connection line through verification and calcula-tion. During the construction, the connection of jumper wire at the straight tower is implemented, by which the straight tower doubles as T-connection tower, greatly reducing outage duration of main lines and achieving favorable social and economic benefit.%受地方政府规划制约,110 kV输电线路T接点在直线塔塔位处,直线塔要兼作T接塔使用。讨论并解决了跳线如何和悬垂串同步摆动问题,对一基直线塔建模,经校核计算能满足T接线路结构受力要求。施工完成直线塔处跳线搭接,实现直线塔作为T接塔使用,可大量缩短主线路停电时间,取得很好的社会经济效益。



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