首页> 中文期刊> 《云南冶金》 >云南省非煤小型矿山通风系统建立的若干问题探讨




The establishment and stable operation of mine ventilation system has the vital function to underground mining of mine; due to mine ventilation system is the one of main system of underground mining for metal and non metal mine. Yunnan province as the countrywide mining industry province, it has the wide mineral resources distribution, and a lot of mining enterprises, the importance of mine ventilation system did not be considered for mining process of small mines, the establishment way of small mines' ventilation system is proposed in this paper according to the main problems existed in establishment of current mine ventilation system, so as to provide security for safe and stable underground mining of small mines.%矿井通风系统作为非煤矿山地下开采主要系统之一,其建立并可靠运行对矿山地下开采有重要作用,云南省作为全国矿业大省,矿产资源分布广,拥有大量的矿山企业,其中小型矿山开采过程中未充分意识到矿井通风系统建立的重要性,本文针对目前这些矿山通风系统建立中存在的一些主要问题,提出云南省小型矿山通风系统建立的途径,以便为小型矿山井下安全可靠开采提供保障.



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