首页> 中文期刊> 《人民黄河》 >河口村水库进水塔底板混凝土温控仿真分析




河口村水库进水塔底板混凝土处于基础强约束区,温控标准严格。如何采取经济合理的温控措施降低温度裂缝风险及保证结构安全,成为整个进水塔架温控中的难点与关键点。利用 ANSYS 三维建模对进水塔架底板混凝土结构进行温度控制仿真分析,计算底板混凝土在高温季节与低温季节的温度场与应力场,并进行对比分析。结果表明,高温季节下浇筑底板混凝土需要采取的温控措施比低温季节施工要严格得多,且温控成本大,出现温度裂缝风险较高,故建议底板混凝土安排在低温季节施工。%Criterion of concrete temperature control at base slab of intake tower of Hekoucun Reservoir is strict owing to its location of strong con-straint region. The difficult and key point for temperature control is how to reduce the risk of cracking and ensure the structural safety. Temperature control of base slab of the reservoir was analyzed with ANSYS 3D modeling. It calculated the concrete temperature field and thermal stress for high and low temperature seasons respectively and to made contrastive analysis. The results show that stricter temperature control measures must be taken in high temperature season than in low temperature season. It is advised that the base slab of intake tower should be constructed in low temperature season for high risk of cracking and costly measures in high temperature season.



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