首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >病险水库治理中几项非常规金属结构加固设计




In danger control and reinforcement project of Hualiangting Reservoir, it was found that the original design scheme of adding overhaul gate in spillway entrance had some defects, so the design should be changed. On the basis of analyzing the in-feasibility causes of the original design scheme, and in combination with the engineering field practice, the changed schemes was introduced in detail, including the sluice gate slot embedding parts, main girder and positive bearing, and so was the replacement of hoist equipment. The running test result in later stage indicated that the revised design scheme was reasonable, which reduced the civil construction pressure and made the operation and maintenance in later period more convenient.%在安微太湖花凉亭水库的除险加固工程中,发现原有的溢洪道进口增设检修闸门设计方案存在部分缺陷,应进行设计变更. 在分析造成原设计方案难以实施的原因基础上,结合现场实际,详细介绍了闸门门槽埋件、门体主梁和正向支承等部位的变更设计方案,以及由此带来的启闭设备更换. 后期运行检测成果表明,变更设计后的方案较为合理,不仅减轻了土建施工压力,而且使得后期运行维护更为方便.



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