首页> 中文期刊> 《人民长江》 >弧形钢闸门排水孔位置优化




To find the optimum position of hydraulic radial steel gate drain hole that can meet both strength and drainage re -quirements,combined with an three support -arm radial steel gate, the ANSYS-based finite element models for the gate that has the same size of drain holes in different positions were established to analyze the impact of drainage hole position on radial steel gate main beam's strength and local stress.The result show that for the three support -arm radial steel gate,different posi-tion of drain holes have different influence on stress distribution of the major beam of the gate.For the middle and low major beams,the drain holes should be arranged at the central of the beam axis;for the upper major beam,the drain holes should be arranged at the position twice hole diameter from the flange.%结合某工程三支臂弧形钢闸门,利用ANSYS有限元软件建立了相同孔径不同位置排水孔的闸门有限元模型,计算分析了排水孔位置对弧形钢闸门主梁强度及局部应力的影响,以找到兼顾强度及排水要求的水工弧形钢闸门排水孔最佳位置.结果表明:对于三支臂弧形钢闸门,相同孔径不同位置排水孔不同程度地影响了闸门主横梁的应力分布;考虑到强度及排水要求,对于中、下主横梁,将排水孔设置在主横梁中和轴上;对于上主横梁,将排水孔设置在靠近后翼缘约2倍孔径的位置处为宜.



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