首页> 中文期刊> 《世界核心医学期刊文摘:眼科学分册》 >采用术中视频荧光素血管造影联合无光纤的玻璃体手术系统行视网膜血流分析




To report a new method to perform intraoperative video fluorescein angiography (VFA) using an optical fiber-free intravitreal surgery system (OFFISS) and ret inal blood flow analysis during surgery. Observational case series. Four eyes of four patients with macular edema as a result of branch retinal vein occlusion u nderwent vitrectomy and intraoperative VFA with a bolus of 0.8 ml fluorescein dy e. The segmental blood flow was calculated using dye dilution technique. Intraoc ular pressure was maintained at 15 mm Hg. The VFA was clearly recorded with stab le excitation light and very little eye movement under retrobulbar anesthesia. T he segmental blood flow of the affected vessels (6.1 ±.1.2 pixel2/s) was signif icantly lower than that of the healthy vessels (17.9 ±.7.9 pixel2/s) (P < . 05) . The combination of VFAand OFFISS can facilitate intraoperative VFA, and may be useful for evaluating retinal blood flow during surgery.



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