首页> 中文期刊>世界胃肠病学杂志:英文版 >Infrared thermoimages display of body surface temperature reaction in experimental cholecystitis

Infrared thermoimages display of body surface temperature reaction in experimental cholecystitis



AIM:To display the thermoimages of the body surface inexperimental cholecystitis,to observe the body surfacetemperature reaction in visceral disorders,and to study ifthe theory of body surface-viscera correlation is true and themechanism of temperature changes along the meridians.METHODS:By injecting bacteria suspension into the stricturebile duct and gallbladder,21 rabbits were prepared as acutepyogenic cholangiocholecystitis models,with another 8rabbits prepared by the same process except withoutinjection of bacteria suspension as control.The body surfaceinfrared thermoimagas were continuously observed on thehair shaven rabbit skin with AGA-782 thermovision 24 hbefore,1-11 d after and(2,3 wk)4 wk after the operation witha total of over 10 records of thermoimeges.RESULTS:Twelve cases out of 21 rabbits with cholecystitisrevealed bi-lateml longitudinal high temperature lines in itstrunk;with negative findings in the control group.The high-temperature line appeared on d 1-d 2,first in the right trunk,after the preparation of the model,about 7 d after the modelpreparation,the lines appeared at the left side too,persisting for 4 wk.The hyper-temperature line revealed 1.1-2.7 ℃ higher than before the model preparation,0.7-2.5℃higher than the surrounding skin.The length of the hightemperature line might reach a half length of the body trunk,or as long as the whole body itself.CONCLUSION: The appearance of the longitudinal high temperature lines at the lateral aspects of the trunk in the experimental group is directly bound up with the experimental animals pyogenic cholecystitis, with its running course quite similar to that of the Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shaoyang, but different to the zones of hyperalgesia and site of referred pain in cholecystitis.



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