首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >从元气升降角度探析“水精四布”与糖尿病之关系




From very beginning,traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes on the idea of correspondence between man and universe as well as the thought of oneness of man and nature as it’s kingly way.It was considered that Vigour is vital to human physiological function,which is the most essential and important Qi and is the primary motive force of life,presented by theory of primordial Qi based on yin and yang while yin affiliated to yang.According to the physics and pathology of Diabetes mellitus(DM),insufficiency of primordial QI is seen as the etiological factor and pathogenesis of diabetes.It is held that abnormality of ascending and descend-ing which accompanied by essential substances of food is an obvious pathogenesis of DMthat result from qi-movement disturbance and qi-blood imbalance,and regulation of its ascending and descending based on vigor is the basic therapeutic principle and strate-gically situated measurement.%本文基于中医的传统经典理论,以天人合一为核心,强调天人相应,认为“阴平阳秘”是在“阳主阴从”主导下,因元气之升降而实现。惟一阳气充足才有人体精微物质如津、气、血、液等生化之源泉不息,提出阳气不足,升降失常是致病之根本,“水精不布”是糖尿病及并发症之发生发展的基本病机。治疗应以补益阳气,复其升降为权宜大法,通过助阳气化,水精得布,则糖尿病亦自消无迹矣。



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