首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >基于关联规则与熵聚类的清热类中成药组方规律研究




Objective:To investigate composition rules of with heat-clearing Chinese patent medicine.Methods:The prescriptions of Chinese patent medicine with heat-clearing in “The new national Medicine”were collected to build a database of the methods of association rules with apriori algorithm and complex system entropy cluster were used to achieve the frequency of medicines and as-sociation rules between drugs.Results:Data-mining results indicated that in the prescriptions of Chinese patent drugs with heat-clearing,the most frequently used drugs were Radix Glycyrrhizae,Radix Scutellariae,Borneol,Flos Lonicerae Japonicae,Radix et Rhizoma Rhei,and Fructus Forsythiae.The most frequently used drug combinations were “Radix Glycyrrhizae with Radix Scutellar-iae”,“Radix Glycyrrhizae with Radix Platycodi”,and “Fructus Forsythiae with Flos Lonicerae Japonicae”,etc.Medicine with a high degree confidence coefficient of association rules include “Bezoar->Borneol”,“Radix Platycodi->Radix Glycyrrhizae”,“Cinnabis->borneol”,and “Fructus Gardeniae->Radix Scutellariae”.Conclusion:In the prescriptions of Chinese patent drugs, there includes not only the drugs with heat-clearing property,but also that with resuscitation,calming,lapactic and other properties.%目的:探讨常用清热类中成药组方规律。方法:收录《新编国家中成药》中清热类中成药处方,采用关联规则 Apriori算法和复杂系统熵聚类等方法,确定处方中药物的使用频次及药物之间的关联规则等。结果:高频次药物包括甘草、黄芩、冰片、金银花、大黄、连翘等;高频次药物组合包括“甘草、黄芩”“甘草、桔梗”“连翘、金银花”等;置信度较高的关联规则包括“牛黄->冰片”“桔梗->甘草”“朱砂->冰片”“栀子->黄芩”等。结论:处方用药中除常见的清热类中药外,尚包括具有清热作用的部分开窍药、安神药、泻下药及其他类药物。



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