首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >痛血康胶囊对早孕大鼠不完全流产模型的治疗作用




目的:探讨痛血康胶囊治疗早孕SD大鼠不完全流产模型产后出血的疗效及作用机制。方法:1)受孕7 d予米非司酮和米索前列醇,造成早孕不完全流产模型,痛血康治疗7 d观察并记录SD大鼠离体子宫平滑肌活动情况及病理组织学改变。2)用小鼠尾尖取血法,观察痛血康对小鼠出凝血时间的影响。3)用小鼠耳廓肿胀和SD大鼠棉球肉芽肿两个模型,观察痛血康的抗炎作用。4)用皮下注射肾上腺素加冰水刺激所致SD大鼠血瘀模型,观察痛血康的活血化瘀作用。结果:痛血康能增强早孕不完全流产SD大鼠子宫平滑肌收缩强度,促进残存的胚囊组织排出;能降低血瘀模型SD大鼠全血和血浆黏度,缩短小鼠出凝血时间;对二甲苯所致小鼠耳廓肿胀和SD大鼠棉球肉芽肿有明显抑制作用。结论:痛血康在早孕SD大鼠中具有治疗产后出血的作用,可能与增强流产SD大鼠的子宫收缩强度、促进残留在宫腔的绒毛或蜕膜组织排出、缩短出凝血时间、抑制炎症等有关。%Objective:To explore the efficacy and mechanism of Tongxuekang capsule on postpartum hemorrhage.Methods:1 ) The pregnancy incomplete abortion model was built by giving mifepristone and misoprostol to the 7-day pregnant rats and Tongxuek-ang capsule was applied to intervene.The uterine smooth muscle activity in vitro of rats and pathological and histological changes of uterusin each group were observe and recorded.2)The mice tail blood method was applied to observe the effects of Tongxuekang capsule on coagulation time in mice.3)The auricle swelling model in mice and granuloma induced by cotton ball model in rats was adopted to observe the anti-inflammatory effects of Tongxuekang capsule.4)The blood stasis model in rats built by adrenal in sub-cutaneous injection and ice water stimulation was made to survey the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood sta-sis of Tonxuekang capsule.Results:Tongxuekang capsule could not only enhance the intensity of uterine smooth muscle contraction of the early pregnancy incomplete abortion rats and promote the discharge of residual embryo sac,but also decrease viscosity of whole blood and plasma blood in stasis model rats and shorten the clotting time in mice.It could also control the mice auricle swelling and cotton ball granuloma of rats caused by xylene.Conclusion:Tongxuekang capsule has the function of treatment of postpartum hemorrhage and the mechanism of it may be related to enhancing uterus contraction strength of the abortion in rats,pro-moting the discharge of villi residue in uterine cavity or decidual tissue,shortening the clotting time,inhibiting inflammation and so on.



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