首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >祛腐生肌法治疗非哺乳期乳腺炎溃后期临床研究




Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of removing the necrotic tissue and promoting granulation meth -od in the treatment non-puerperal mastitis in the late stage of ulceration.Methods:A total of 60 patients with non-puerperal mastitis in the late stage of ulceration from Jan 2016 to Des 2017, and randomly divided them into treatment group and control group.The treatment group was given Badu Shengji powder and cankerous oily regional treatment and oral medicine ,and the control group was treated with silver ion antibacterial materials surgical treatment and oral medicine treatment .The treatments last for 12 weeks.The collected data were analyzed to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety.Results:The treatment group recovered 25 cases,account-ing for 93.3%,and 2 cases showed significant curative effect ,which accounted for 6.7%,and the average healing time was (7.3 ± 0.16) weeks.In the control group,21 cases were cured,accounting for 70%,3 cases showed significant curative effect ,accounting for 10%,and 6 cases were improved,accounting for 20%,and the mean healing time was (9.6 ±0.77) weeks.There were statisti-cal differences (P<0.05).In addition,the healing time,the area change of the ulcer,and the change of sinus depth of two groups after treatment were also statistically significant (P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the breast appearance score , local lump in breast diameter change (P>0.05).There were no patients with liver and kidney dysfunction during the treatment . Conclusion:Application of Badu Shengji powder and cankerous oily regional treatment of removing the necrotic tissue and promo -ting granulation method in the treatment of non-puerperal mastitis in the late stage of ulceration can promote healing of the dyke ,re-duce breast pain,shorten the healing time,improve curative effect ,and the treatment is effective and feasible.%目的:评价祛腐生肌法治疗非哺乳期乳腺炎溃后期的疗效及安全性.方法:选取2016年1月至2017年12月中日友好医院非哺乳期乳腺炎溃后期患者共60例,随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组以拔毒生肌散合溃疡油换药加中药口服治疗,对照组以银离子抗菌辅料换药加中药口服治疗,疗程12周,收集数据资料进行比较分析,评价其临床疗效及安全性.结果:观察组痊愈25例,占93.3%,显效2例,占6.7%,平均愈合时间为(7.3 ±0.16)周;对照组痊愈21例,占70%,显效3例,占10%,好转6例,占20%,平均愈合时间为(9.6 ±0.77)周,二者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).此外,治疗后2组在溃口愈合时间、溃口面积变化、窦道深度变化差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),乳房外观评分、局部肿块大小变化上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗期间2组均无出现肝肾功能异常者.结论:应用拔毒生肌散加溃疡油袪腐生肌法治疗非哺乳期乳腺炎溃后期可促进溃口愈合,减轻乳房疼痛,缩短愈合时间,提高疗效,是有效可行的治疗方法.



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