首页> 中文期刊> 《华西口腔医学杂志》 >现代牙槽外科新技术




During the recent decade, the advanced medical technology has brought the rapid development in the dentoalveolar surgery, and the medical concepts of humanity, painless, minimally invasive, safe and comfortable are gradually accepted by the patients and doctors. Many advanced techniques and equipments have been used in the dentoalveolar surgery. This paper would like to make a review on the clinical application and experience of the advanced medical technologies in the tooth extraction, such as the general anaesthetic technique, the nitrous oxide sedative technique, the computer-controlled local anesthesia delivery devices, the electrocardiogram montior, the location of embedded tooth by cone beam CT and minimally invasive surgical technique. Additionally, in this paper we also described the indication, contraindication, advantages and operating essentials of the orthodontic traction technique, ultrasonic bone surgery (piezosurgery) device and the surgery technology for alveolar bone shape and functional preservation in the extraction of tooth. Finally, we introduced the immediate implantation technique used in the dentoalveolar surgery.%现代医疗技术的进步,为牙槽外科的发展带来了勃勃生机。人性化、无痛化、微创化、安全化、舒适化的服务理念和医疗技术正逐渐被广大医患双方接受和应用。越来越多的新技术、新设备应用到牙槽外科手术中,推动牙槽外科不断地向无痛、微创方向前行。本文对全身麻醉技术、笑气镇静技术、无痛麻醉技术、安全监护拔牙、埋伏阻生牙定位技术、微创拔牙、纤维内窥镜及数字显微镜技术、正畸牵引拔牙技术、即刻种植拔牙、超声拔牙刀拔牙、牙槽骨外形及功能保留技术等现代牙槽外科新技术的适用对象、技术优势、临床应用、操作要点等进行阐述。



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