首页> 外文期刊>友声:英文版 >Between the Chinese Premier and His German Friend——On the Friendship Between President Rainer Dold of German-Chinese Friendship Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

Between the Chinese Premier and His German Friend——On the Friendship Between President Rainer Dold of German-Chinese Friendship Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang


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正One day in 1990,the telephone rang in an office in Stuttgart,capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg State in Southwestern Germany,breaking the silence.Rainer Dold,38,picked up the phone and heard a hesitant voice."Hello?This is the German Embassy in China.May I speak to Mr.Dold?We have just received the visa application from a Chinese delegation wanting to visit Germany at the invitation of Paritaetisches Jugendwerk Baden-
机译:<正> 1990年的一天,电话在德国西南部巴登-符腾堡州首府斯图加特的办公室响了,打破了沉默。38岁的雷纳·多尔德(Rainer Dold)拿起电话,听到了犹豫的声音。是德国驻中国大使馆。我能和多尔德先生谈谈吗?我们刚收到一个中国代表团的签证申请,该代表团想应巴丹国际学校的邀请访问德国。




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