首页> 中文期刊> 《电视技术》 >基于EPON承载IPTV业务的加权调度算法研究



In this paper,a weighted scheduling scheme is designed aiming at the packets loss and queuing delay due to the heavy data flow load of IPTV service.Over the EPON structure,according to the number of the IPTV subscribers,a weighted round robin algorithm in an OLT is designed to decrease multicast packets loss,by allocating downstream flow bandwidth properly and therefore improving the quality of IPTV service.Simulation results from the OPNET show that compared with the scheduling algorithm without weight(RR),the proposed algorithm can reduce the packets loss and average queuing delay by 72% and 23.4% respectively.%针对IPTV业务数据量较大,容易产生数据包丢失和延时,设计了一种调度算法.该算法根据IPTV节目订制用户数,采用加权轮询调度机制(WRR),合理地分配IPTV下行数据流的带宽,从而有效地减少了组播数据包的丢失和延时,提高了IPTV的服务质量.通过OPNET仿真得到结果,WRR机制比没有加权重的轮询调度机制(RR)丢包率降低了86.7%,平均队列时延减少了23.4%.



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