首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >云南农村低压电网电压质量分析与改进措施




Rural power grid as an important part of the national economic and social development, in building a socialist harmonious society, shoulders important responsibilities. However, due to various reasons, parts of the vast rural areas have very prominent voltage quality problems, and the power supply cannot meet the normal electricity needs. Voltage is one of the important indicators of power quality, voltage quality is directly related to the secured and economic operation of power systems and electrical equipment, and "low voltage" and"offset voltage" have long plagued rural areas on supply problems. How to complete the governance and the eradication of this problem is the most important province of rural power network upgrading project. So this paper, through analyzing the causes of present situation of Yunnan province rural network power quality, high and low voltage and voltage offset, puts forward some practical improvement programs.%院农村电网作为国民经济和社会发展的重要组成部分,在构建社会主义和谐社会中,肩负着十分重要的职责。然而由于种种原因,部分地区的广大农村电压质量问题很突出,已不能满足农村用户正常的用电需要。电压是电能质量的重要指标之一,电压质量直接关系到电力系统的安全与经济运行及电气设备的使用寿命,“低电压”、“电压偏移”长期以来一直是困扰农村地区的供电难题,如何彻底根除、治理这种问题是各省农网升级改造工程的重中之重。本文通过对云南省农网电能质量现状、高低电压及电压偏移成因等问题的分析,提出了切实可行的改善方案。



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