首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >基于科学发展观的建筑安全风险管理体系




Since the 21st century,the real estate market in China has rapidly developed, The scale of construction of infrastructure is lager and lager, the construction safety is more and more outstanding. With the present of scientific development perspective, the idea of people oriented enjoys popular support, construction safety is referred to the unprecedented height. But in the actual course of construction, safety accidents still occur from time to time, security hidden dangers are everywhere. Those seriously threaten the life and property security. In this situation, it has extremely far-reaching significance to build risk management system with scientific development perspective of construction safety to control the construction safety risk by the all-round and multi-angle and form a long-term mechanism to assure the safety of life and property.%二十一世纪以来,我国房地产市场快速发展,基础设施建设规模也不断扩大,建筑安全问题越来越突出。随着科学发展观的提出,以人为本的理念更加深入人心,建筑安全提到了前所未有的高度。然而,在现实建筑施工过程中,安全事故仍然时有发生,安全隐患无处不在,严重威胁着生命财产安全。在这种情况下,建立基于科学发展观的建筑安全风险管理模式,全方位、多角度控制建筑安全风险,形成保证生命财产安全的长效机制,具有极其深远的意义。



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