首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >电子招标模式的应用研究




In the project construction, the bidding can be said to be a very important stage. With the development of the times and the progress of technology, "Internet+electronic bidding" mode as a new bidding management mode has been widely used, which has improved the illegal dishonesties always existing in the traditional bidding mode such as dishonesty, illegal bidding, corruption trading etc., and reduces the time and cost of tender bidding. In this paper, the research on the application of electronic bidding mode will be taken, and by comparing the traditional bidding mode with"Internet+ electronic bidding mode, it will more intuitively reflect the advantages of electronic bidding.%在工程建设中,招投标可以说是非常重要的一个阶段。而随着时代的发展、技术的进步“互联网+电子招标”模式作为一种新的招标管理模式也得到了较为广泛的运用,改善了传统招标模式下普遍存在的弄虚作假、围标串标、腐败交易等违法失信现象,减少了招标时间和招标成本。在本文中,将就电子招标模式的应用进行一定的研究,通过传统招标模式与“互联网+电子招标”模式的对比分析,更直观地反映出电子招标的应用优势。



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