首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >浅谈传统工业企业文化落地的开展形式




当前经济社会经历了农耕时代、工业时代、信息时代的更迭;科技进步日新月异,信息通信技术、数字技术、互联网、新材料、3D打印、机器人等技术不断涌现;世界经济进入调整期,中国经济进入新常态.对于工业企业来讲,面临发展与变革的大好机遇与未知挑战,如何在自我转型、时代转变中有定力、有方向,企业文化作为向心力、凝聚力的关键将发挥至关重要的作用,如何使文化有效落地是工业企业文化培育的必须关注的事宜.%The current economic socirty has changed from the farming era,the industrial age and the information age. With the rapid progress in science and technology, technologies continue to emerge, such as, information and communication technology, digital technology, the Internet, new materials, 3D printing and robotics. The world economy has entered a adjustment period and Chinese economy has entered a new normal. For industrial enterprises, they face the great opportunities of development and change and the unknown challenges. How to have a fixed force and a direction in the self-transformation and the changing times? As the key to solidarity and cohesion, the corporate culture will play a crucial role. The effective developing form of the culture-rooted construction of traditional industrial enterprise must be paied attention to.



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