首页> 中文期刊> 《城市勘测》 >探讨 InSAR 技术在城市建筑物沉降监测中的精度

探讨 InSAR 技术在城市建筑物沉降监测中的精度



According to the InSAR accuracy assessment in the urban building subsidence ,the difference between SAR and level data is analyzed from the synchronous acquisition in Tianjin. Then a distance weighted method and sub-sidence indicator are proposed to achieve the consistency in both time and space. On the basis,the BoHai building is used to compare the subsidence difference between InSAR and level,and the conclusion that InSAR technology can a-chieve the third accuracy index in building subsidence.%针对 InSAR 在城市建筑物沉降监测中的精度评估需求,以天津市市内六区同步采集的 SAR 数据、水准数据为例进行两者的差异性分析,提出采用距离加权法、沉降量指标来实现两者的时空一致性。在此基础上参考建筑物沉降监测的规范,以渤海大楼为例来对比分析 InSAR 测量、水准测量的沉降量值,提出了 InSAR 技术可达到建筑物三级测量精度指标。



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