首页> 中文期刊> 《城市勘测》 >基于ERDAS2013 LP S的批量数字正射影像制作方法研究

基于ERDAS2013 LP S的批量数字正射影像制作方法研究



利用WORLDView-Ⅲ卫星影像数据,采用“传统逐景选点纠正”和“区域网平差批量纠正”两种方法进行DOM生产。并对作业流程中使用的控制点数量、生产效率、产品精度等方面进行了比较分析。结果表明:两种方法均能满足DOM生产精度要求。传统方法对控制点的数量与精度要求较高,景与景间接边差较大,工期较长;后者则有效地解决了这些问题,利用ERDAS2013 LPS区域网平差批量纠正影像能显著提高作业效率。%By using two kinds of traditional image correction method and the block adjustment method of WorldView-Ⅲimages for DOM production,This paper compares the number of control points used,production efficiency,product preci-sion and so on.The toaditional method has a high requirement on the number and precision of control points,and the indi-rect side difference between the view and the scene is large and the duration is long,The test results proved using Erdas 2013 LPS to make rapid production of DOM as method is completely feasible,Which can effectively slove these problems.



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